CLC "Cooperative Lavorazione Cementi" is located in Padova, North East Italy they were founded in 1995 and are still family-owned and run today. They specialize in the production of standard, modular tanks but are also well known for custom concrete tanks.

CLC produces over 700 concrete tanks for winemaking per year and unlike some of its competitors, only produces tanks for winemaking.

The Family:
Since 2021, the Pasquin family has been at the helm of the company where they have increased production as well as the different styles of tanks offered to their clients. In 2023, a new manufacturing site was developed to increase capacity and efficiency.

Why CLC Vasche:
CLC only specializes in the production of concrete tanks for winemaking. Located at the foothill of the Dolomiti in Italy's Veneto region, Dolimiti aggregates that collect in the Brenta River are accurately and consistently mixed via a computerized machine to guarantee consistency. Smaller tanks are made via molds and larger tanks are made via connecting their walls with rebar.
