DAMY & BILLON Pinot Noir & Rhône Stock Barrels & Puncheons

With vintage in full swing and many reds coming in, a special emphasis would like to be placed on barrels from the Burgundy-based @tonnellerie_billon and @tonnelleriedamy cooperages meant for Pinot Noir and bolder red varietals.
Damy Exclusive – Created from extra tight grain Allier and Vosges staves with an LL++ toast, this barrel adds nuanced oak complexities while showcasing the fruit, especially on pinot noir.
Damy Imperial – Made from Allier, Vosges, and Jura with a 2.5-hour toast only on embers, the Imperial provides a very soft texture on the palette across all red varietals.
Damy Rouge – Made from a center of France blend of oak and a deeper more impactful short toast, it performs best on especially richer styles of pinot noir.
Damy Estrella 45* - Made from a center of France blend of oak and paired with a toast between Medium Long and Medium Plus, it is a favorite amongst Northern and Southern Rhône producers.
Billon Select – Created from extra tight grain Allier and Vosges staves with an LL toast, this barrel is extremely elegant in regards to oak and toast impact while providing the Billon signature length on the palate that works amazingly on restrained styles of Pinot Noir.
Billon Côte D’Or – Created only from Burgundy Côte d’Or oak and hence mainly Chatillon where the staves are bent via steam and available in different toasts, this barrel is structural and very savory aromatically.
Billon Richelieu – A blend of three forests and 4-year air dry heads, the Richelieu is meant for powerful bold red varietals